Real Estate Appraisal and Compliance Services
Haginas & Shillings offers a program for regulated financial institutions that ensures regulatory compliance, quality appraisals, and a cost savings. In short – reliable appraisals, independent of loan production, at a cost equal or less than what you are currently paying.
We manage your appraisals through a centralized appraisal ordering and review system. We serve as your bank’s “in-house” appraisal department and Chief Appraiser.
We strive to keep our clients out of regulatory trouble.
EASY to use web-based appraisal order submission using RIMS Software.
Best fees and delivery dates as obtained through a competitive bid process.
Electronic delivery of appraisals and invoices.
Web based appraisal storage and retrieval system.
Highly qualified and experienced review staff.
Guaranteed compliance with Interagency Guidelines, SOP-50-10 (SBA) Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and compliance with FIRREA.
Passes the tests of Bank Regulators and Examiners - Never have had an appraisal citation when using our service.
Faster deliveries, fewer headaches and LOWER COSTS!
Our Vision
Our centralized ordering and review system was created in 1996 by Pete Haginas with the idea of providing lenders a service that blends regulatory compliance with our own appraisal expertise, ensuring cost efficiency, and reliable appraisals, independent of loan production.
We are a pioneer of this service currently serving as the Chief Appraiser to over 30 banks, and growing.